Royal Bouquet


SKU: 0714583422004 Category:

Royal Bouquet was launched in 2021, which is a floral, fresh fragrance that transports you on a delicate bouquet of roses, gorgeous heliotrope and muguet blossom. The perfume opens with the top note of English roses, Mandarin and Lemon, while talking you through the floral bouquet with subtle heart notes of roses and heliotrope. The exotic blend of musk, Amber and Vanilla completes the scent with an exciting and crisp finish.


Royal Bouquet was launched in 2021, which is a floral, fresh fragrance that transports you on a delicate bouquet of roses, gorgeous heliotrope and muguet blossom. The perfume opens with the top note of English roses, Mandarin and Lemon, while talking you through the floral bouquet with subtle heart notes of roses and heliotrope. The exotic blend of musk, Amber and Vanilla completes the scent with an exciting and crisp finish.

Discover your perfume notes

Top: Rose, Mandarin, Lemon

Heart:  Rose, Heliotrope, Lily of the Valley

Base:  Musk, Amber, Vanilla


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